Friday, March 18, 2016

~Happy Friday & Welcome to Crafts N Laughs~

Hello and welcome to my new craft blog!  After tossing around the idea of creating a craft blog for a while, I decided to actually do it!  I am very excited and I hope to have a lot of fun because life is too short and laughter is good for the soul!! 
I do hope you find this fun, helpful and informative.  I welcome all crafters, not just limited to what I enjoy.  I also welcome any ideas, websites, sellers, blogs, and virtually anything craft related that you enjoy and want to share with others.
Please feel free to sign up for my newsletter on the top left.  My goal is to send out at least two emails a week so that you are not bombarded and maybe on Holidays.  One on Monday and one on Friday. 
This is my very first post.  I won't go into my story because I already have and you can read it here.  I am still working on the design of my blog so there will be changes made along the way.  I do this all myself and have learned that it takes a lot time, patience and lots of tweaking.

Starting Monday the 21st I will have my first feature of another crafter and seller on Etsy.  I am very excited about this and plan to feature a new artist/designer/crafter each week.  If you are a crafter and sell anywhere drop me an email and I will do my best to schedule you and your site.  I will have a calendar to keep track of all of this lol.  I am human, make mistakes and get very busy at times.  I also work full time but blogging is something I really enjoy doing.  I also love to help others and hopefully this will.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.  I can be found virtually anywhere lol.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram well you get the idea.

I look forward to meeting new people and sharing with the world.

Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read all of my jibber jabber.  Please say hello and introduce yourself below :) 


This picture made me laugh!!  Now I realize we all have a different sense of humor but I sure hope that I can make you laugh at some point or another. 

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